Professional MBA Specializations
Depending on career trajectory and areas of interest, students can either choose to take elective courses across several areas for a more generalized business understanding or opt to take all elective courses from one single area for focused expertise in a specialized business function. Students who do not elect a specialization will be granted a General MBA.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may only be available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
General MBA
The General MBA allows students to choose electives from various business functions. Students select courses from the categories listed below to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Most elective courses do not require prerequisites. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
• Hospitality and Tourism Management • Finance • Operations Management • International Business • Business Analytics • Management Information Systems • Health Administration • Marketing • Sport Management • Accounting
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends). -
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Hospitality and tourism is the world's largest service industry with managerial needs and opportunities across a vast variety of segments: resorts, restaurants, private clubs, meeting and event planning corporations, destination marketing organizations, casinos, theme parks, sport facilities, entertainment venues, and many more.
A Hospitality and Tourism Management specialization prepares students to become service industry leaders ready to join the thriving local, regional and global hospitality network. FAU faculty possess extensive industry experience and continually update curriculum with real-world scenarios to meet current industry demands. Students explore key competencies relevant to hospitality-specific management roles: marketing-management issues, theories on customer, competitor, and core organizational capabilities; advanced managerial perspectives in guest services (including service operations management and strategies for competitive excellence); and operational excellence in event and meeting planning.
Students who choose a Hospitality and Tourism Management specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
HMG 6299: Hospitality Operations: A Case Approach
Examines operations of hospitality management businesses using critical case analysis approach; reviews multiple industry segments (resorts, casinos, airlines, restaurants, etc.).
HMG 6506: Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Marketing
Offers an advanced examination of services marketing and management within the context of the hospitality industry. Discusses marketing-management issues specific to hospitality and covers theories related to customer, competitor and core organizational capabilities.
HMG 6546: Strategies for Excellence in Guest Service Management
Explores the provision and management of guest service in the hospitality industry from an advanced managerial perspective. Covers service operations management from an integrated viewpoint with a focus on the overarching goal of competitive excellence.
HMG 6756: Meetings and Events Management
Investigates the events industry using an advanced managerial perspective. Examines the structure of the events industry, its global economic impact, the various protocols and procedures in event delivery and the challenges facing today’s executives with strategies for operational excellence.
HMG 6901: Directed Independent Study (DIS) in Hospitality Management (Instructor permission needed)
Supports students in developing an advanced-level research project within the hospitality industry. Students may develop a review of literature on a specific hospitality topic or perform applied research. Design of topic and project done in concert with course professor. -
A Finance specialization gives students a competitive edge and prepares them for success in financial positions in this high-demand industry. Financial managers are not only responsible for maintaining an organization’s financial health, they also need to possess the skills to provide financial analysis, create and present financial reports, and plan and execute strategies for long-term financial success.
Students who choose the Finance specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Mergers and Acquisitions (MAN 6931)
Introduces and overviews mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other restructuring activities. Topics covered include M&A environment, regulatory environment, corporate takeover market, M&A valuation and modeling, alternative business and restructuring strategies and financing M&A deals.
Advanced Monetary Economics (ECO 6716)
Discusses in-depth the balance of payments, exchange rates and the international monetary system and stabilization policies in open economies. Emphasis on the integrated analysis of modern international finance and open-economy macroeconomics. It also presents a broad overview of exchange rate, markets and policy, monetary policy, economic integration, currency unions, and global financial crises. Emphasis on the connection between Fed and ECB policies and economic growth with a focus on emerging and developing economies.
Financial Markets (FIN 6246)
Provides both a practical and a concept-oriented treatment of the mechanics of financial markets and institutions. Examines decision-making in financial markets and the role of both short-term and long-term financial markets in the process of capital formation and allocation. Gives a thorough understanding of the financial system by examining the role of financial institutions, instruments, interest rates, central banks and government agencies in today’s market. Emphasizes how the participants in financial markets manage interest rate risk and examines factors affecting interest rates and prices in the money, savings, and capital markets.
Analysis of Financial Statements (ACG 6175)
Analyzes accounting data for purposes of auditing, fraud detection, credit and investment decisions, including bankruptcy prediction models and earnings-based equity valuation. Course emphasizes the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of financial accounting data. Curriculum includes using Bloomberg and other databases.
Financial Modeling (FIN 6455)
Financial modeling using spreadsheets to conduct financial analysis for managerial decision-making. Special attention is given to models in mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, venture capital, etc. This is a hands-on course that uses the FAU trading room and Bloomberg and other databases.
Multinational Finance (FIN 6605)
Discusses financial management for international companies. Sources of funds, capital structure, investment strategies, monetary exchange problems and governmental constraints on firms operating in more than one nation are discussed. -
Operations Management
Organizations in today’s competitive business landscape need to know how to best leverage their resources to maximize the quality and delivery of products or services with the most cost-effective strategies. An Operations Management specialization equips students with the knowledge to identify operational issues, recognize areas for improvement in business processes, establish a culture for implementing new processes improvement efforts and measure initiative effectiveness. Skills in web-based business development along with a foundation in sourcing and supply chain management prepare students for success as operations managers, project management consultants, or in launching and managing their own businesses.
Students who choose an Operations Management specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Business Process Improvement (MAN 6525)
Prepares students to provide leadership in shaping a culture for business process improvement initiatives within an organization and determine the effectiveness of improvement initiatives such as Six Sigma Quality, Process Capability, Process Control, Business Process Re-engineering and Service Quality
Project Management (MAN 6581)
Provides a strong foundation in the planning and control of projects. Addresses specific operational issues related to projects in areas such as process re-engineering, new product development, enterprise resource planning, and software development are addressed. Other topics included are project risk management, critical chain project management, contingency planning, and the balanced scoreboard.
Supply Chain Management (MAN 6596)
Provides an understanding of key issues, mechanics, and developments in sourcing and managing the supply chain, which is the connected network of all of the value activities that plan, control, and supply interim and finished product services to customers.
Web-Based Business Development (ISM 6508)
Develops skills for launching and managing web-based businesses. Students complete a business plan for starting an online business of their choice. Additional topics include evaluating current web-based business opportunities, online entrepreneurship, web-based venture financing and e-business operations.
Developing and Marketing Innovations (MAR 6837)
Covers the key challenges encountered in developing an innovation and creating its marketing plan. Prepares students to undertake leadership roles as managers or entrepreneurs in the area of product/service innovation. -
International Business
An International Business specialization prepares students to succeed in the fast-paced global landscape whether working in positions in the U.S. that require international expertise, in expatriate assignments with globally established corporations, or in short-term international consulting jobs. This specialization offers a variety of topics for students to choose from:
• Develop a global business operations perspective
• Identify management issues, risks and opportunities in emerging environments
• Handle international mergers and acquisitions
• Work with IT service providers and infrastructures
• Knowledge of the international monetary system and stabilization policies in open economies
• Understand multinational finance
• Incorporate global marketing strategies
• Assess and develop leadership
• Learn cross-cultural management
The optional international field study abroad course offers students a global business immersion experience where they can observe and explore firsthand the conditions and challenges U.S. organizations navigate when operating internationally.
Students who choose the International Business specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
International Business Operations (MAN 6614)
Introduces the institutions, activities, and problems involved in conducting international business. Addresses international issues in each of the functional areas.
Managing Effectively in Emerging Markets (MAN 6728)
Examines management issues and approaches to handling opportunities and risks in the major emerging markets.
Mergers and Acquisitions (MAN 6931)
Provides an introduction and an overview of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other restructuring activities. Topics covered include M&A environment, regulatory environment, corporate takeover market, M&A valuation and modeling, alternative business and restructuring strategies and financing M&A deals.
Global Tech Sourcing Management (ISM 6509)
Assists students in developing the knowledge and skills needed to work with IT service providers and processes. IT focuses on the concepts and methods associated with designing, planning, and contracting for IT infrastructure and applications.
Advanced Monetary Economics (ECO 6716)
Discusses in-depth the balance of payments, exchange rates and the international monetary system and stabilization policies in open economies. Emphasis on the integrated analysis of modern international finance and open-economy macroeconomics. It also presents a broad overview of exchange rate, markets and policy, monetary policy, economic integration, currency unions, and global financial crises. The connection between Fed and ECB policies and economic growth is emphasized, with a focus on emerging and developing economies.
Multinational Finance (FIN 6605)
Discusses financial management for international companies. Sources of funds, capital structure, investment strategies, monetary exchange problems and governmental constraints on firms operating in more than one nation are discussed.
Global Marketing (MAR 6158)
Emphasizes applied research and analysis, the Internet, and economic geography and addresses elements of global marketing strategy such as prices, distribution, and promotion and the implementation of such.
Global Leadership Assessment and Development (MAN 6899)
Employs reviews of publications on leadership, self-leadership and career development to understand requirements for leadership and career planning that may be global in scope. Rigorous leadership, career assessment, coaching and mentoring opportunities are provided to help students understand and develop leadership potential and develop a five-year career plan.
Cross Cultural Management (MAN 6609)
Discusses national culture as it affects social processes and human resource practices in international businesses. Addresses international issues in overseas workforce management, expatriate management, and negotiation.
International Field Study Tour (GEB 6957)
Combines intensive study of selected foreign nations with travel abroad to observe and investigate firsthand the political, economic and administrative conditions encountered by American firms in foreign countries. Briefings by business firms, universities, government agencies. Requires student to travel abroad as part of requirement for the course. -
Business Analytics
Collecting, processing, storing and extracting valuable actionable knowledge from data are now imperatives for businesses to stay competitive. Expertise in deciphering relevant data, analyzing it to uncover trends and recognize patterns, translating the analysis into valuable insights about performance and processes, and using it to make informed strategic decisions is in high demand across industries.
A specialization in Business Analytics expands student skills and knowledge in emerging technologies, current trends in business intelligence, and tools for analytics to equips students with knowledge in data mining and predictive analysis, business intelligence and Big Data, visualization, text mining, and web mining, social media and web analytics, clickstream data, and data management and analysis mastery using Excel.
Students who choose a Business Analytics specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics (ISM 6136)
Introduces the core concepts of data mining (DM) and its techniques, implementation and benefits. Identifies industry branches that most benefit from DM, such as retail, target marketing, fraud protection, health care and science, and web and e-commerce. Detailed case studies and using leading mining tools on real data are presented.
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data (ISM 6404)
Provides an understanding of the business intelligence and business analytics processes and techniques used in transforming data to knowledge and value in organizations. Students also develop skills in analyzing data using generally available tools, e.g. Excel.
Advanced Business Analytics (ISM 6405)
An in-depth examination of business analytics methods of visualization, data mining, text mining and web mining, using various analytical tools. In a laboratory setting, investigates applications for smaller firms.
Social Media and Web Analytics (ISM 6555)
Covers concepts and techniques for retrieving, exploring, visualizing and analyzing social network and social media data, website usage and clickstream data. Learn to use key metrics to assess goals and return on investment and perform social network analysis to identify important social actors, subgroups and network properties in social media.
Data Management and Analysis with Excel (QMB 6303)
Solve research and business problems by leveraging the most powerful productivity tool, Excel. Curation, management, analysis, and visualization of information and data are covered by using PowerView, Vlookup, charts, pivot tables, scenarios, functions, macro programming etc. -
Management Information Systems
A specialization in Management Information Systems provides students with a knowledge of aligning information and communication technologies and systems with business activities: launching and managing web-based businesses, managing Information Technology (IT) projects and information security efforts, coordinating and servicing other business functions as well as understanding IT infrastructure and applications and working with IT service providers and processes.
Students who choose a Management Information Systems specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Web-Based Business Development (ISM 6508)
Develops skills for launching and managing web-based businesses. Students complete a business plan for starting an online business of their choice. Additional topics include evaluating current web-based business opportunities, online entrepreneurship, web-based venture financing and e-business operations.
Information Technology Project and Change Management (ISM 6316)
Addresses key issues in managing information technology projects through a study of the project life cycle. Topics include planning and control, risk management, change management, portfolio management, and the use of project management software.
Management of Information Assurance and Security (ISM 6328)
Introduces students to the various technical and administrative aspects of information security. Emphasis is on the management of information security efforts.
Enterprise Information Technology Service Management (ISM 6368)
Focuses on the information technology manager's role in coordinating with and providing service to other business functions. Discussion on internationally recognized best practices in delivering true value at the lowest total cost of ownership.
Information Technology Sourcing Management (ISM 6509)
Assists students in developing the knowledge and skills needed to work with IT service providers and processes. IT focuses on the concepts and methods associated with designing, planning, and contracting for IT infrastructure and applications. -
Health Administration
Alongside the aging U.S. baby boomer population, whose active lifestyles are extending life expectancies, the demand for professionals to meet their healthcare needs is also increasing. A specialization in Health Administration prepares students to provide leadership, vision, and management for healthcare facilities such as hospitals, physician offices, group medical practices, home health care agencies, outpatient clinics, and nursing care providers.
Students who pursue a Health Administration specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Introduction to Health Care Systems (HSA 6103)
Introduces students to the field of health services administration and to the responsibilities of managers of health care organizations. Includes an analysis of the history and structure of health delivery systems (i.e. the industry’s organization, the operational characteristics of the main sub-sectors, funding mechanisms, public points of view regarding the provision of health services, and regulatory). Overviews the U.S. healthcare industry with three areas of emphasis: 1) how healthcare works today; 2) the social and cultural forces created by and supporting the current system; and 3) how the U.S. health care delivery system came to be what it is today.
Organizational Behavior in Healthcare (HSA 6118)
Overviews internal operations of healthcare organizations varying from hospitals to nursing homes, outpatient clinics, and assisted living facilities. Examines issues such as physician credentialing, utilization review, quality of clinical care, and accreditation of services.
Provides students with the knowledge and skills for understanding and effectively managing individuals and groups within health services organizations. Draws upon perspectives from organizational theories and organizational behavior to examine management and leadership topics within the unique context of health services organizations.
Planning and Marketing in Healthcare (HSA 6108)
Focuses on the impact and role of strategic planning and marketing on the rapidly evolving U.S. healthcare system, and its impact on the structure and functions of various healthcare organizations. Examines changing patient demographics such as population aging, technological developments in such areas as pharmaceuticals, and government regulation of patient care.
Health Policy (HSA 6152)
Examines the process of formulating and implementing U.S. health policy with emphasis on the utilization of health services research in the policy formulation process at the federal level. Overviews the historic development of health policy in the U.S., the basic machinery, policymaking, and the legal process that underpin individual health care and public health systems. Explores many of the fundamental problems, contemporary issues, and factors that affect future health policy initiatives: basic elements underlying financing, organization, and delivery of healthcare services, Medicare and Medicaid, access to healthcare, and the relationship between the public and private sectors on health policy. Challenges students to think systematically and critically about these issues and the various methods available to public and private policymakers to improve the US healthcare system.
Healthcare Finance (HSA 6175)
Introduces students to the public and private sources of payment for health care in the U.S. Includes Medicare, Medicaid, managed care options and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Discusses operational and capital budgets, business plans, methods for measuring financial performance and assessing the impact of alternative contractual arrangements with third party payers along with cost effective analysis and ethical methods for strategically removing costs. Identifies finance concepts relevant to health care organization management (DRGs Capitation rates and HMO discounted fee for service, utilization forecasts and prof-forma financial statements, working capital management. valuation for merger and acquisition) as well as the internal and external issues that impact delivery of health care services and their stakeholder groups.
Health Law (HSA 6425)
Examines health law issues affecting healthcare providers. Overviews legal terminology used in health law and discusses legal issues of the U.S. healthcare delivery system (e.g. legal implications of certain health administrative actions) and how to reduce/avoid related liability). Reviews case law decisions, statutes, and regulations involving such issues as patient care liability, malpractice, workmen's compensation, and legal responsibilities of health professionals.
Research Methods for Healthcare Management (HSA 6707)
Introduces students to the function of research in healthcare services (how and why research is conducted and its application in healthcare management). Covers quantitative and qualitative methods for conducting health sciences research and provides an opportunity to practice applying research skills to a current issue in the healthcare field.
Global Issues in Health Care Delivery (HSA 6125)
Offers a comprehensive overview of current global and public health issues. Explores healthcare systems and challenges to population health in selected countries worldwide and investigates and discusses the impact of emerging, re-emerging, communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Medical Practice Management (HSA 6937)
Overviews the complex processes involved in organizing and managing viable medical group practices that can assume and manage the economic risk inherent in health care. Focuses on the strategic components required to build a successful structure, the requisite ongoing operational assessments and the methodologies used to effect change. Covers utilization review, risk management in health care, quality management, the use of outcomes research in improving patient care efficacy and safety, performance management through training and competency in Six Sigma (potential to complete certification for a Green Belt). Provides practical insights into the nature of potential problems and conflicts that arise within medical group practices so students can learn to anticipate issues, resolve actual and potential conflicts, maintain financial viability, produce workable solutions, and apply theory and best practices to the demands of this business environment.
Information Technology in Health Care (HSA 6937)
Discusses various health informatics standards and health information systems including specification and design as well as the system components for a Health Information Systems (i.e. Electronic Medical Records and Patient Health Records). Covers the concepts of interoperability of various healthcare informatics systems, issues and challenges associated with them. Overviews skills needed for collecting, analyzing and summarizing data for decision making, as well as for communicating complex technological information to health care employees at all levels. Discusses the leadership role in managing technological changes in diverse health care organizations.
Human Resources in Healthcare Organizations (HSA 6930)
Addresses the role of human resources in health care organizations and development of these resources, including strategies and tactics for recruitment, management and retention as well as employee performance, engagement, and satisfaction. Provides an overview of key roles that human resource professionals play in planning for workforce needs and how human resource management should be directly aligned with the strategic goals of the organization. Examines organizational behavior and dynamics, the roles and responsibilities of management within health care organizations along with management and leadership principles for helping to navigate change. Discusses theory and practice of managing individuals and groups through motivation, communication, teamwork, collaboration, leadership, organizational change, negotiation, and conflict management and resolution.
Healthcare Operations (HSA 6930)
Provides a foundation of competencies needed by healthcare managers, care providers, operations consultants, and decision-makers in organizations that support healthcare delivery to systematically manage an organization’s healthcare delivery system in ever-changing healthcare environments of limited resources, changing patient demands, and increasing focus on value-for-service and patient-centered care. Discusses evaluating cost, quality, safety and access alongside the challenges of efficiency and effectiveness. Introduces fundamental Operations Management principles in the healthcare services context so students can recognize, diagnose, design, and apply operations concepts to create new and improve existing delivery systems (operations strategy, process management, lean six sigma quality, patient satisfaction, patient safety, supply chain management, and innovation). -
Successfully marketing goods and services is essential for companies seeking to establish, maintain, and grow their market share. An MBA with a specialization in Marketing prepares students for a variety of marketing, marketing-related and even non-marketing specific positions, such as consulting, starting a small business.
Students who pursue a Marketing specialization select courses from the list below, or other approved Special Topics courses to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends).
Brand and Reputation Management (MAR 6933)
Examines both brand and reputation theory and practice. Focuses on the management of brand equity (i.e. the added value endowed to a brand as a result of past marketing activities) and how managers can gain competitive advantage by differentiating their product and service offerings and their organizations. Covers how to develop a brand strategy, how to design and implement brand management tactics, how to measure and interpret brand performance, and how to grow and sustain brand equity.
Digital Marketing (MAR 6933)
Introduces students to applied digital marketing including Web Design, Web Analytics, SEO (off site/on site), Paid Search, Online Advertising, Email Marketing, Social Media and Reputation Management. Discusses strategies for improving the online presence of any company or person.
Global Marketing (MAR 6158)
Emphasizes applied research and analysis, the Internet, and economic geography. Discusses evaluating consumer and competitive research to determine which segments to target. Addresses elements of global marketing strategy such as prices, distribution, and promotion and implementation.
Advertising and Personal Selling (MAR 6933)
Explores the deep inner workings of the advertising field and the of the art of persuasion. Examines advertising as an art, science and skill set and presents related skills of developing and promulgating a following and establishing your presence in an organization.
Marketing Research Methods (MAR 6616)
Overviews marketing information systems concepts, marketing research techniques, and decision theory applications to marketing problems.
B2B Marketing Strategy (MAR 6456)
Examines the marketing of goods and services to organizations. Provides an in-depth understanding of issues such as product development, pricing, and buyer behavior.
Developing and Marketing Innovations (MAR 6837)
Covers the key challenges encountered in developing an innovation and creating its marketing plan. Prepares students to undertake leadership roles as managers or entrepreneurs in the area of product/service innovation.
Strategic Brand Management (MAR 6916)
Focuses on the management of brand equity, i.e., the added value endowed to a brand as a result of past marketing activities. Covers how to develop a brand strategy, how to design and implement brand management tactics, how to measure and interpret brand performance, and how to grow and sustain brand equity. -
Sport Management
Job prospects for working in this ever-growing and worldwide industry include employment with sports-affiliated organizations and facilities, athletic clubs and teams, colleges and universities, sport talent agencies, sports marketing firms, event management and entertainment companies, and even sports media outlets.
For the specialization in Sport Management, students take courses that emphasize the business of sport to fulfill the 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement. Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
Students who are interested in pursuing an MBA with a Sport Management specialization must first be admitted to the Sport Management Program.
Visit Sport MBA program
*Certain specializations may vary in cost and schedule from the enrolled program (e.g. some specializations may be only available online or require class attendance outside of the regularly scheduled program times, such as on the weekends). -
Business managers and consultants need to be able to analyze and interpret financial data, manage budgets, provide forecast analyses, and even prepare and audit financial statements. Leveraging managerial skills and a broader understanding of the business landscape alongside accounting-related skills can further enhance promotability. Additionally, an Accounting Specialization may appeal to those who already have a background in accounting and intend to sit for the CPA exam or take classes for CPA credits.
Before students may pursue the Accounting specialization, they must meet the following eligibility requirements:
• Obtain approval by FAU’s School of Accounting:
o Meet one-on-one with an advisor
o Undergo academic record review
• Have an undergraduate degree in accounting or taxation (*if not, student must satisfy all specialization prerequisites first).
After acceptance into the Accounting specialization, students select a total of six (6) classes (18 credits) of ACG or TAX courses designated to meet the specialization requirements:
• Required: Two courses (6 credits) of the Accounting specific courses below replace Core-curriculum courses:
o Advanced Information Systems (ACG 6475) replaces Management of Information Systems and Technology (ISM 6026)
o Advanced Financial Reporting (ACG 6138) substituted in place of Advanced Analysis of Accounting Data (ACG 6315)
Students pursuing the Accounting specialization fulfill the remaining 12 credit (4 course) elective requirement by choosing from a list of nearly 30 Accounting or Tax courses to be provided after acceptance into specialization (please note: ACG 6027, ACG 6137, ACG 6347 and ACG 6635 and accounting courses at the 5000-level are not acceptable for the Accounting specialization). Elective course offerings vary by semester. Courses may be offered online or on-campus.
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