Internal Updates: February 2025

By Comms Team | 02/28/2025

Categories: Academics | Accolades | Announcements | Faculty/Staff | Research


From the Communications Team...

🥫 Volunteer Event: "Pack to Give Back" Day hosted at the College of Business w/ the Palm Beach County Food Bank:

Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni - Volunteers Needed! 

  • Saturday, March 29, 2025
    • Shift 1:  9 am to 12 pm
    • Shift 2:  1 pm to 4 pm

Department vs. Department: Faculty & Staff Challenge! Show your team's strength beyond classrooms and computers. Rally your students and colleagues, claim bragging rights for the biggest group turnout, and make a real impact! Who's in? 

*Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian. 

Event Description: Right here in the Sean Stein Pavilion, we will be repacking bulk foods to be redistributed to food-insecure families in Palm Beach County!

Don your FAU gear & Let's go!

Registration details coming soon—keep an eye on your inbox for how to sign up and make a difference!

📲 Social Media REMINDER:

For those managing a department social media account on Instagram or advising a student organization, please note the following updates and share with your support staff or students:

  • New graphic size is 1080 x 1350 (4:5), replacing the old 1080 x 1080 (1:1).
  • These updates are currently only on mobile devices, not desktop versions.
  • Our Instagram account will no longer be accepting collaboration requests if the dimensions are incorrect, as of March 1st. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

For support or questions, please email Jennifer Mullins at


We're proud to announce Rosemond Desir's nomination as our College's representative for the University's Distinguished Teacher of the Year (DTOY) award! This prestigious honor, held by only 55 individuals in the University's history, underscores the profound impact Rosemond has on our students. This recognition highlights his exceptional teaching, inspiring dedication, and significant impact on student learning.

We're thrilled to announce that Abhijit Guha has been awarded the prestigious AMA Retailing & Pricing SIG Service Award! This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the Retailing and Pricing Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association through dedicated service and leadership.

We're delighted to announce that Maya Thevenot has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy! This is a significant achievement as the journal holds high rankings (AJG 3 & ABDC A) and is a leading publication in the field. This appointment recognizes Maya's expertise and contribution to accounting and public policy research.


Peer-Reviewed Research

Alan Whiteman, with co-authors, have had their paper, “The Impact of AI on Graduate Health Administration and Public Health Education,” accepted for publication in the Healthcare Administration Leadership & Physician Leadership Journal.

Charles Yang, with co-authors, have had their article, “Shopper Search in Response to Conditional Promotions: A Function of Basket Sizes and Incentive Types," accepted for publication in the Journal of Corporate Finance (AJG-4). 

Hong Yuan, with co-author, have had their article, “Surviving the Storm: Enterprise Risk Management and Performance in Property and Liability Insurers during COVID-19," accepted for publication in the journal of Psychology & Marketing.


Public Scholarship Research

Steven Carnovale, Associate Professor, ITOM - Logistics Managers' Index 

Rebel Cole, Lynn Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor, Finance - Banking Initiative at Florida Atlantic:U.S. Banks’ Exposure to Risk from Commercial Real Estate ScreenerU.S. Banks’ Unrealized Losses on Investment Securities Screener

Monica Escaleras,Professor and Chair, Economics - Hispanic Index of Consumer Sentiment

William Luther, Associate Professor, Economics - Monthly Inflation Report at Florida Atlantic

