Newsroom Listing - Andrew Garrison

Economist Anne Bradley photo

Dr. Anne Bradley on Free Markets and Human Progress

By | 02/19/2025

The Phil Smith Center for Free-Enterprise welcomed Economist Anne Bradley to Professor Garrison’s Principles of Macroeconomics course to speak about the advancement of economic and human flourishing.

Arthur Laffer speaking to students

Economic Insights with Dr. Arthur Laffer

By | 11/22/2024

College of Business Owls glided into the Schmidt Family Complex for a fireside chat with presidential economist Dr. Arthur Laffer. Known as the “Father of Supply Side Economics”, Dr. Laffer is a respected voice in public policy discussions.

2024 Reagan Ranch

Students Explore Economic Freedom, Entrepreneurship, and Reagan's Ranch

By | 09/28/2024

few College of Business Owls flew out west to attend ‘Road to Freedom’ in Santa Barbara, California. Hosted by Young America’s Foundation, the event allowed students to gain insight into economic policy that has historically facilitated and supported economic growth in the United States.

Phil Smith Book Club

Student Book Club Explores Free Market Economic Principles

By | 04/10/2024

Each semester, a group of students from economics courses met once a week to discuss a chapter of a book centered on the dangers of unneeded regulation.

Senator Gramm

From Capitol Hill to the Classroom: Senator Phil Gramm Shares Economic Research on “The Myth of American Inequality”

By | 04/03/2024

The Phil Smith Center for Free Enterprise welcomed former Senator Phil Gramm to the FAU College of Business, Tuesday, March 26th. Gramm, who was an economics professor at Texas A&M University before running for the Senate, spoke on his economic research on income inequality in the United States. Over 200 students in Dr. Monica Escaleras’ Principles of Macroeconomics course learned about his career in the Senate as well as his data findings related to inequality in America.

Economics Expert Guests

Beyond the Textbook: Students Glean Insights from Guest Economic Experts

By | 12/21/2023

Classes in the Department of Economics have been anything but monotonous this semester. Distinguished economic experts shared practical insights with students. The guest speakers, whose expertise span numerous sectors, focused on real-world applications, providing valuable lessons beyond theoretical concepts.

