Michael  Harari

Michael Harari

Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise: Performance Appraisal, Personality, Employability, Talent Acquisition

Office: Fleming West - Room 122 (Boca Raton)


  • PhD (2014) Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Florida International University
  • MS (2013) Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Florida International University
  • BS (2010) Psychology, University of North Florida

Intellectual Contributions

  • Harari, Michael; Rubenstein, A.L.; McCombs, Kate; Dennett, Susan. A meta-analysis of perceived job alternatives and employee turnover: Addressing the availability versus quality distinction (forthcoming), Journal of Managerial Psychology
  • Harari, Michael; Searcy, Deborah; Alshareef, S.. Was Keynes thwarted by consumerism? Insatiable needs, voluntary simplicity, and the pursuit of leisure (forthcoming), Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Harari, Michael; McCombs, Kate; Thams, Yannick. (2023). Perceived employability and employee strain: A meta-analysis, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 109-118
  • Harari, Michael; Kraus, E.; Boyi, V.; Viswesvaran, C.; Haas, C.. (2022). Trait affectivity and applicant reactions: A multi-wave field study, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37, 642-654
  • Harari, Michael; Kraus, E.; Boyi, Victor; Viswesvaran, C.; Haas, C.. (2022). Trait affectivity and applicants' reactions, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(7), 642-654
  • Harari, Michael; McCombs, Kate; Wiernik, Brenton. (2021). Movement Capital, RAW model, or circumstances? A meta-analysis of perceived employability predictors, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 131(2), Article: 103657
  • Harari, Michael; Williams, Ethlyn; Castro, Stephanie; Brant, Katarina. (2021). Self-leadership: A meta-analysis of over two decades of research, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94(4), 890-923
  • Harari, Michael; Parola, Heather; Hartwell, C.; Riegelman, A.. (2020). Literature searches in systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A review, evaluation, and recommendations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 1-11
  • Parola, Heather; Harari, Michael; Herst, David; Prysmakova, Palina. (2019). Demographic determinants of public service motivation: A meta-analysis of psm -age and -gender relationships, Public Management Review, 21(10), 1397-1419
  • Harari, Michael; Naemi, B; Viswesvaran, C. (2019). Is the validity of conscientiousness stable across time?, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92, 212-220
  • Harari, Michael; Viswesvaran, C.. (2018). Individual job performance, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
  • Harari, Michael; Reaves, A.; Beane, C.; Laginess, A.; Viswesvaran, C.. (2018). Personality and Expatriate Adjustment: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(3), 486-517
  • Harari, Michael; Thompson, A.; Viswesvaran, C.. (2018). Extraversion and job satisfaction: The role of trait bandwidth and moderating effect of status goal attainment, Personality and Individual Differences, 123(1), 14-16
  • Harari, Michael; Manapragada, A.; Viswesvaran, C.. (2017). Who thinks they're a big fish in a small pond and why does it matter? A meta-analysis of perceived overqualification, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 102, 28-47
  • Harari, Michael; Rudolph, C.W.. (2017). The effect of rater accountability on performance ratings: A meta-analytic review, Human Resource Management Review, 2(1), 121-133
  • Harari, Michael; Herst, David; Parola, Heather; Carmona, B.. (2017). Organizational correlates of public service motivation: A meta-analysis of two decades of empirical research, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 27(1), 68-84; doi: 10.1093/jopart/muw056
  • Harari, Michael; Reaves, A.C.; Viswesvaran, C.. (2016). Creative and innovative performance: A meta-analysis of relationships with task, citizenship, and counterproductive job performance dimensions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(4), 495-511
  • Rudolph, C.W.; Harari, Michael; Nieminen, L. (2015). The effect of performance trend on ratings occurs through observer attributions, but depends on performance variability, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(10), 541-560
  • Harari, Michael; Rudolph, C.W.; Laginess, A.J.. (2015). Does rater personality matter? A meta-analysis of rater Big Five-performance rating relationships, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(2), 387-414
  • Harari, Michael; Jain, N.K.; Joseph, T.. (2014). The Five-Factor Model of personality and knowledge transfer in the United Arab Emirates, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22(4), 399-410
  • Harari, Michael; Viswesvaran, C.; O'Rourke, R.. (2014). Gender differences in work sample assessments: Not all tests are created equal, Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(1), 29-34
  • Rudolph, C.; Michel, J.; Harari, Michael; Stout, T.. (2014). Perceived social support and work-family conflict: A comparison of Hispanic immigrants and non-immigrants, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 21(3), 306-325
  • Harari, Michael; Naemi, B.; Viswesvaran, C.; Roberts, R.; Rodriguez, J.. (2014). The validity of conscientiuousness and its facets: Stable or dynamic across time?, Academy of Management Proceedings
  • Wittgenstein, J.; Harari, Michael; Allen, J.; Rudolph, C.. (2012). When does performance variability matter? The effect of dynamic performance characteristics on rater attributions and performance ratings, Proceedings of the 2012 Southern Management Association
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