NABA Accounting Students Association
- A non-profit organization membership association dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black professionals in the accounting, finance, and related business professions.
- Over 45 chapters within 40 states
- With more than 20,000 professionals in various fields, NABA advances people, careers, and the mission by providing education, resources, and meaningful career connections to both professional and student members.
Attending workshops:
- Networking opportunities with business professionals and students
- Recruitment and Networking advice
- Learn more about job opportunities and the business profession.
Becoming an official member:
- Various annual scholarship opportunities
- Participation in exclusive member-only conferences and events
- Membership cord and stoles to wear at graduation*
- Access to various professional career and development programs (CPA Summit)
- Gain national recognition, as well as special invitations, from top accounting and business firms
*Graduation stoles are only given to members of the Executive Board.
To learn more, please visit our National Website at
Apply for membership today!
NABA Owl Central Membership Application: